フィリピン出稼ぎ事情(1)(Overseas Filipino Workers) (1)


2018年7月の統計によると、フィリピンの人口は1億6百万人。そのうちの約1割もが海外出稼ぎ労働者です。(「フィリピン人海外出稼ぎ労働者」→Overseas Filipino Workers。以下、OFWと表示)OFWからの送金額はフィリピンの国内総生産(GDP)の約1割にも上るそうです。注1


2015年度時点での出稼ぎ国上位 10か国

1.サウジアラビア 2.アラブ首長国連邦 3.シンガポール 4.カタール 5.クウェート 6.香港 7.台湾 8.マレーシア 9.オマーン 10.バーレーン



It is no exaggeration to say that the Philippines has been supplying the most workforce to foreign countries.

According to the statistics in July, 2018, the population of the Philippines was 106,000,000. odd, about 10 % of which were Overseas Filipino Workers. (Hereafter: OFW)  The remittance from OFW amounted to about 10 % of GDP in the Philippines. (See Note 1 )

What makes an extraordinarily large number of Filipinos work abroad ?  Needless to say, that comes from reasons for supporting families and living better lives.  
The statistics in 2012 said that average Filipinos earned, in Japanese currency, about 450,000. yen a year.  (See Note 2)

The data in 2015 showed top 10 countries for OFW to work---1. Saudi Arabia  2. United Arab Emirates  3. Singapore  4. Qatar  5. Kuwait  6. Hong Kong  7. Taiwan  8. Malaysia  9. Oman  10. Bahrain
The Middle East and Asia accounted for about 90 % of the whole foreign countries.

Occupation: (Female)---Service Workers(such as hotels, restaurants, shops),  Live-in Housekeepers, Baby-sitters, Nurses, Caregivers. 

(Male)---Construction Workers, Manufacturing Workers, Technicians, Assembly-line Workers.

Main Worker in OFW---(Female)---Young Mothers  (Male)---Fathers

Human Resources Industry is one of the most primary ones in the Philippines.  What on earth urges Filipinos, without any hesitation and worry, into working abroad ?

(注1)2018年GDP:330,846 米ドル(単位:百万)

(Note 1 GDP. in 2018---330,846.- (in units of ONE MILLION US DOLLARS)
(Note 2)  Except for Professors, Lawyers, Doctors, and Executives, etc.  450,000.- yen in Japanese currency---About 4,130.- US Dollars (As of: 6/12/2019)

Ref:  Foreign Ministry in Japan-- Survey on Overseas Filipino
Philippines Statistics Authority
United Nations--World Population Prospect-Population Division
International Labour Organization in the Philippines
Philippine Overseas Employment Administration

「江分利満氏の優雅な生活」 山口瞳:著 (新潮文庫)




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