フィリピン出稼ぎ事情(了)(Overseas Filipino Workers) (Last)










In Japan many foreign laborers work at convenience stores, beef bowl shops, Japanese-style taverns, restaurants, and so on.  It is not unusual even in Japan.

Japan is going toward a super-aging society as the population continues to decline.  The data in May, 2019, said that the population of Japan was about 126,000,000-.

In 2020, elderly people of 65 years old or over will amount to about from 36,000,000- to 38,000,000-, roughly one senior citizen out of 3.5 people; besides an average age of Japanese will be 48.9 years old, compared with that of Filipinos, 24.3 years old, according to the statistics of 2018.

It would be impossible, at this rate, to maintain social and economic vitality, though Japanese live much longer than Filipinos in an average life expectancy.

The government introduced in April this year, "Type-1 Residence Status for specific skills system" intended for 14 industries facing severe labor shortages.  

Under the new system, 347 foreigners have passed proper exams in the food service industry, and successful candidates in other fields of industries will be determined one after another.  The government plans to accept as many as 340,000- foreign workers over the next 5 years.

The influx of foreign laborers with different customs and cultures could cause friction in our local communities.  
We should, however, direct attention not to unfavorable sides only, but to favorable aspects.  
They work hard in Japan, living apart from their hometowns and families.  The way they live would inspire us to live another forward-looking life.  
Home is where you make it.

We should live up to our beautiful tradition and culture.  But we might just as well have a little bit flexibility and generosity for them.

Surplus workers will reportedly come out in the fields of manufacture and office work as early as 2020, as A I (Artificial Intelligence) is making progress.  
According to reports in the USA, even doctors' profession, A I and robots could replace about 80% of them.

In Japan, "an era of 100-year life" is being popular in mass media.  It will be essential for each of us, like it or not, to rethink about "Work Styles" and "Life Styles" in the age of the collapse of lifetime employment, the increase of foreign workers, and the spread of A I and robots.




「謎の独立国家 ソマリランド」 高野秀行:著 (集英社文庫)




〈新・CEBU ものがたり〉新・人の暮らし(1)・洋服の寸法直し

新・人の暮らし(5)・盆踊り (Japanese Summer Festival)